Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tohono O'odham Baboquivari Defense founder jailed

From the Mohawk grandmothers, Kahentinetha Horn and Katenies, beaten at the northern border, to the bogus arrests at DQ University of students and elders in California, to the attack by the Columbus, Ohio police on the Longest Walkers, Native Americans are under assault by police and special agents using bogus charges. In the case of the Long Walkers, a taser was pointed at the forehead of Michael Lane, Menominee, without provocation, and walker Luv the Mezenger tackled and thrown in the concrete. Kahentinetha, publisher of Mohawk Nation News, suffered a trauma-induced heart attack while handcuffed in a police stress hold at the Canadian border. Katenies was tackled and thrown to the concrete and jailed. The arrest and jailing of Ernest Moristo, Tohono O'odham, defending the O'odham's sacred Baboquivari Mountains from tribal development and the swarming and littering Border Patrol agents on sacred Tohono O'odham land at the southern border, is the latest attack.

DATE: JULY 8, 2008
Baboquivari Defense Project founder jailed 30 days for trespassing and resisting arrest
From: sacredmtn@gmail.com
The Baboquivari Defense Project is funded by the Seventh Generation Fund organization. Baboquivari is the sacred mountain of the O’odham people. Ernest Moristo's family has lived at the base of the mountain for many generations. For over twenty years Moristo, with his family and friends has been fighting the development and commercialization of the area. The jail of the Tohono O’odham is currently crowded and the sentence is severe considering the charges. While Moristo is in jail, the development may begin again which has been opposed by the Moristo family. For O’odham, Baboquivari mountain is the home of I'itoi and has been the focus of our language strength truth and spiritual healing. Further disrespect of this area will increase the damage of our people and those yet to come. How can anyone trespass on their own sacred homeland? Contact sacredmtn@gmail.com with your concerns.

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