Saturday, February 26, 2011

Upstaged Again...But That's Okay

Mongo has re-focused his 2011 "Cat 5 Domination" training since the first race of the season last Saturday. I have decided to get as much variety and do as many different rides, on the road, dirt, and trainer, as I possibly can. Mongo has already seen some of my efforts pay off in solo rides, team rides, and my continuing domination of the Saturday morning, Cat 6/7, "Enemy Bike Shop" ride.

Today was no different. Mongo won again for the third time in the past three attempts. It was a much sweeter victory this morning as fellow teammate, "Danimal", came across the line in second place and two more members of the famed "Broomwagon Club", an elite sub-group of the SBCT, "Fast" Eddie and "Kaiser" Martin, both put in strong performances. Add to this that it was a beautiful day on a scenic course with lots of hot chicks getting their exercise on, and needless to say, we all had a lot of fun.

Of course, none of this matters! Why is that, you say? Well...on the same day that Mongo sandbagged his way to a meaningless victory in a second-tier group ride, fellow teammates, "MC-Lean" and "Tubular" Tom, were off racing in the most extreme and intense cyclocross race in the Southeast. And they did really well...with a first and fifth overall in the non-pro category. Mongo doesn't mind playing second fiddle to that!

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