Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Besides 'Doctor Who', the other major theme for the pop culture references in the latest episode of 'The Middleman' ("The Clotharian Contamination Protocol") was the movie "Die Hard". There were mentions of Hans Gruber (complete with a wire hanger dispatching), allusions to Nakatomi Plaza, and even an alien citing "Yippee Yi Yo Kai Yai, Mother[Bleeper]!"

But that's all "Die Hard" is in the TV Universe - a movie.

Whoever was the Middleman before the current Sexy Bossman must have been a big fan of John McCrane, which is why the air duct and ventilator shaft principles were assigned the Nakatomi moniker. After that, all other references were because of previous (and perhaps coincidental) knowledge of the film by Dub-Dub and the Maximum Aldwin.

The same holds true for the movie "Speed" when Wendy Watson exclaimed that they had been "jack-travened".

Toby O'B

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