Sunday, August 24, 2008


In this past week's episode of 'Monk' ("Mr. Monk Falls In Love"), the murder victim turned out to be a notorious war criminal hiding out in America as a cab driver. He was known as "The Butcher of Zemenia", and was accused of ethnic cleansing atrocities in his homeland.

In Toobworld, the ethnic cleansing war crimes of the real world fall under the category of atrocities that were committed during the Eugenics Wars of the 1990s as established in 'Star Trek'. Whether the Butcher of Zemenia was one of these "supermen" is unknown; more likely, he was working for an enhanced human like Khan Noonian Singh.

Based on the dialect, the customs, and the clothing of those in the episode who were of Zemenian heritage, it's suggested that Zemenia was a Balkan state that probably was long under the domination of the Soviet Republic. But it could be that it was one of several small states that were joined together as the UCR, from an episode of 'Mission Impossible'.

It was never stated as to what "UCR" stood for in the show, but it could have been "United Communist Republics", a small off-shoot of the USSR.

Here are a few other nations that could have been part of such a confederation:

Argonia ("The Adventures Of Superman")

Boldavia ("Night Court")

Boravia ("Danger Man")

Drublegratz ("The Girl From U.N.C.L.E.")

Povia ("Mission: Impossible")

Tavilia ("The Amazing Spiderman")

There's always a possibility that Leyla Zlatavich might return in a future episode of 'Monk', even though it seemed as though her heart was hardened against Adrian by the end. If so, perhaps we might learn more about the land of Zemenia, and from there we could conjecture some more about what part it plays on Earth Prime-Time......

Toby O'B

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