Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Lauryn Ragland & Lena Grunloh

Today in Speech class Mrs. Cross suggested we write a blog to have something to do. Not knowing what to write about I decided to interview my classmates, the two people sitting next to me right now, Lauryn Ragland and Lena Grunloh.

What is your favorite sport?

LR-dance! :)
LG-right now, volleyball, it might change though

Lena, I thought it was basketball?

LG-yea I did too
LR-(laugh) okay next question

What's your favorite restaurant?

LR-Joe's Pizza & Pasta with the "and sign" please.
LG-well it was El Ranch until I found two hairs in my meal this weekend

What's your favorite class?

LR-my favorite class is alg with Jones (and yes she said alg not algebra)
LG-study hall with Hoene no no no wait, chorus

Whose your favorite teacher?

LR-I don't know, you make me think about stupid stuff but Mrs. Jones
LG-ditto to both

What's your favorite school lunch?

LR-well I'm not a big fan, but chicken nuggets I guess, which is today!
LG-uhhhhhhh, chicken nuggets

Uhm what else should I ask?

LR-my hidden talent even though I don't have any
LG-uhmm haha i dunno, "What do you want for Christmas"

What's your hidden talent?

LR-(angrily) I already told you I don't have any, but maybe someday I'll find one
LG-What is my hidden talent? you can't put that! well I don't know my hidden talent because it's hidden

What do you want for Christmas?

LR-I want a new TV for my room
LG-a super sweet car

What do you do in your free time?

LR-well lets see, dance, and hang out with you, and my other friends because your not my only friend
LG-I like to play sports, and I like to hang out with all my wonderful friends
LR-wow cheesy enough

What's your favorite Thanksgiving food?

LR-uhm, turkey
LG-my mommy's pumpkin pie and my grandma's noodles
LR-wow I wish my mom made pumpkin pie my mom never makes pie actually she does never mind

What are some random facts?

LR-I don't have any random facts I'm boring, well I was born in Maryville
LG-I have a dog named buddy whose probably going to die soon because he's too fat
LR-don't say that! that's horrible
LG-or you could say I like chicken wings because I had them last night and I decided i really like 'em

Thank you Lauryn and Lena for taking time to answer my questions while working on something else during Speech class.

by: Liz Wortman

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