Friday, April 29, 2011

Hilarious Morons

One thing that is always funny about discussions of priviledge, is that many times people who benefit from priviledge will show up and prove your point for you, in their reactions.

Exhibit A: the latest episode of the Walking Eye podcast
A roundtable discussion about "Feminism, Sexuality, and Identity politics at the game table"

Exhibit B: The Very First Comment Made
A few interesting topics like gender-neutral pronouns were brought up, but I wish the episode would have talked more about other issues that directly pertain to gaming as a woman/with women rather than just bringing up one grievance after another.

Also: I’m pretty sure that if you cannot grok satire, have a laundry list of topics that are not to be joked about and find an association to a web-comic you dislike reason enough to shun a gaming expo, you just might qualify as “too sensitive”.

Wow. That stupid is so powerful it makes my head hurt. I think sometimes people make comments on the internet with their brain totally shut off.

What he was really thinking:
This discussion of feminism was interesting, but it didn't focus enough of my needs as a man. Also, why can't you women seem to understand that our jokes about oppressing you are just for fun?

Some people are just beyond helping. Damn.....

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