Friday, April 29, 2011


Before I get started here, I will admit this thought was triggered by this Cyclopeatron post.

In a real life combat situation, Initiative is typically used to define a level of control that one side has over the other in terms of the tempo of combat. Someone who has the initiative is typically able to dictate where combat takes place. They are active, their opponent is reactive. They are attacking at one location and forcing the opponent to reacting to that attack and thus depriving the opponent of making their own choices on this issue.

However, in gaming, Initiative is about a sequence of action. Having a sequence that determines the order of player actions is required in a "round-based" combat, since you have to determine action order in some way that is rational. This is a mechanical requirement though, not a SIMULATIONAL one.

From a simulation perspective, it only makes sense for initiative to matter at the start of a combat, maybe the first few rounds only, and not be based on quickness of movement (DEX) but on some kind of measure of mental preparedness. Just in a general way, it seems like the adventurers in a dungeon should always have the initiative on their opponents. They came prepared for combat. Either their enemies are surprised or not. But adventurers are never going to be surprised they are being attacked in a dungeon. Know what I mean?

I don't know exactly how you can fulfill the mechanical requirement of determining an action order AND satisfying the simulational requirements of initiative as a concept. I'm still thinking about it.

But here is a rough idea.

The characters have a statistic called Initiative or something else if you aren't OGL, and it is a kind of depletable resource like Luck in Errant. You use it to gain control of combat tempo.

So like you come around a corner and see a troll. You say "I'm taking initiative" and you lose 1 initiative point. Then you can charge the troll and you not only act first but you may even get a small to-hit bonus to represent your gusto. But over time, that resource is going to deplete and you are going to need to rest. Maybe you get a number of Initiative points per day based on level or something. This could even provide a mechanic to ensure regular trips back out of a dungeon or conflict-rich environment for the sake of realism.

Then anyone who isnt "taking the Initiative", acts in a random order decided by d20 rolls or something. No DEX modifiers, nothing. Just a straight dice comparison. A random action order to make the game function mechanically without giving anyone an unfair advantage.


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