Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas from the doctors

Asthma has always been a part of my life. I never go anywhere without my inhaler. This past Christmas took my asthma to a new level. My grandparents came over on Christmas Day to play some cards with the family. I noticed my grandpa looked unnaturally red in the face and was coughing an awful lot. When I got even closer I noticed he was wheezing and having trouble breathing, talking, and eating. I too had been huffing and puffing, but my asthma was under control, or so I thought. I let my grandpa use my nebulizer to ease open his passageway. It worked remarkably well and I let him take it home with him over the night thinking my asthma would not need it.

Well, 9:00 rolled around and I was having some difficulty breathing. I used my inhaler without much luck. I tried to fall asleep but without much luck I resolved to lying awake just concentrating on my breathing. For those of you who don't have asthma, imagine sucking air through a straw for countless hours. Nothing I tried would open my lung passage.
Finally at 3:00 am with only about one hour of sleep, I awake my mom and told her I needed to go to grandpa's house to use the nebulizer. She jumped out of bed wide awake and drove me to grandpa's. We opened the garage door only to find their door locked. I tried ringing the doorbell several times unsuccessfully. My mom drove home (undoubtedly like a mad woman) while I continued trying the doorbell. Finally, my grandparents opened the door surprised to see me standing there in my pajamas at 3 in the morning. I whispered to them that I couldn't breathe and needed to use the nebulizer. Thankfully they understood me and hurried to get me a treatment.

After 10 minutes of successful breathing, I returned home to my own room. Not but five minutes later did my rasping breathing return. I was disappointed and upset. I slept another hour before I gave up and decided to start my day.

Early the next morning, my grandpa and I made a trip to the local Prompt Care. Dr. Arora fixed me up with some stronger medicines to help control my asthma. I'm pretty sure I'm on about 5 different drugs right now. Needless to say, they have been working and my breathing is back to normal.

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