Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My Berklee Audition part 1

I've decided to stray from my usual article topics in a desperate dash at some bonus points. So, as weird as it is, I'll blog about my audition in Chicago on Saturday the 12th of December.

I left Friday for Chicago right after school. We stopped in a suburb to visit my two stepbrothers who live together at med school. We had a dinner at a restaurant that had me feeling like I was in the twilight zone. When we walked in the guy asked us how many people we had, but then we had to wait in line and order at a cash register. So it was like steak and shake, but fast-foody-er. Ya that's a word. Then there was a bar where they served fancy wines and malted beverages, but I received a cup in which I proceeded to the soft drink machine to fill up with some soda. The food was then brought to our table in less than one minute. Very strange.

We then went to the hotel in downtown Chicago after finding the school and admiring the Christmas lights adorning the overwhelming city. The hotel was also very strange because there were three or four hotels, all on the same city block, all connected, all surrounding a very small and confusing parking garage. After walking around half of the block with two guitars, a small amp, a bag of guitar pedals and cables, and a clothes bag, we got in our hotel and went up in the elevator where my mom accidentally hit the emergency button and we listened to a guy repeat, "elevator two help, elevator two help" all the way up. Then we entered the room and the fire alarm beeps. We all then proceed to cuss, and once relaxed, call the front desk to send up a battery. A Hispanic gentleman struggled for a while, and after getting help from another Hispanic gentleman they finally replaced the battery. The two men left the room, and my mom and I leaned in and at the exact same time said, "Everyone's thinking it.....How many Mexicans does it take to change a light bulb.??" After a good laugh, I prepared for my audition and we retired to the clicking sound of wheels driving up and down the parking garage. (To be continued)...

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