Saturday, June 25, 2011

Redemption: A Dish Best Served Al Dente

So...Mongo finally has a new computer. I have to admit that it's quite nice to have a modern, fast, machine. The Commodore 64 has served me well over the years, but there seems to be less need these days for my impressive Cobol and Fortran "skillz'.

I thought long and hard about how I would make up for all the lost posts over the past couple of months and the plethora of interesting and witty stories that you, the reader, missed. In the spirit of keeping it fresh, Mongo decided to say "fuck it". My writing on this blog has always been spontaneous, topical, and irreverent...I want to keep it that way.

A quick recap of Mongo's "Cat 5 Domination" training over the last eight weeks...

1...Road Bike: Monday/ Thursday/ Saturday
2...Trainer: Wednesday/ Friday
3... Mt. Bike: Sunday

I've been riding well most of the Spring with improved performances on the 23/2300 Hammerfest and a continued domination of the Cat 6/7 "Enemy Bike Shop" ride...with something like ten straight podiums to my name. And then Mongo crashed last Saturday!

It was a sweet, "big boy" crash that any Pro would have been proud to walk away from. I've had bloodier, and more painful crashes in the past, but this one scared the shit out of me. I hit the ground at 25+ mph, with my shoulder, elbow, and head taking most of the impact. I should have been knocked out and had a broken arm or collar bone. Luckily I am a gorilla of a man with strong shoulders and a hard head. My helmet split down the side, and probably saved my life, and my shoulder is extremely sore, but no bones were broken in the process.

Today, Mongo made a gutsy return to the Cat 2/3/4/5 group ride where the damage occurred merely one week prior. I was joined by "New Bike Every Month" Tom, "Flats R Us" Eddie, and "Piathlete" Jason. I struggled most of the ride because of my shoulder, but it was a source of pride to return to the scene of the crime (the crash was not caused by me) and get some props from the peloton.

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